
Media Interview on the "Report of the Steering Group on Financial Technologies"

回應媒體訪問關於《金融科技督導小組公布報告》;並倡設一年寬限期于香港P2P貸款及眾籌業界。Leo was interviewed by the Oriental Daily News and the Sun regarding the "Report of the Steering Group on Financial Technologies" and suggested that the authorities to offer one year grace period for P2P and crowdfunding operators in Hong Kong.  [This media interview is published in Chinese.]

「籲設一年寬限期」"Suggested the authorities to offer one year of grace period to operators of P2P and crowding funding businesses and people having participated in the services."

[ 按此往『東方日報』、『太陽報』閱全文 | Read full article (in Chinese only) on the Oriental Daily News or on the Sun ]

媒體訪問:《科技券需擴至社福機構,可參考醫療券操作》@『經濟通』ET Net

Media interview: "Pilot Technology Voucher Programme" for SME could be extended to other sectors" on ET Net

回應媒體訪問關於2016-2017年度香港政府財政預算案 。Leo was interviewed by the ET Net to respond to the Budget Speech of 2016-2017 by the Financial Secretary of the Government of the HKSAR.  [This media interview is published in Chinese.]

「『科技券』需要擴大到中小企以外機構,包括學校及社會福利機構...」 "The 'Pilot Technology Voucher Programme' could be extended to schools, social welfare institutions and charities for mutual benefits of these organizations and the local IT industry..."

[ 按此往『經濟通』、『香港經濟日報』或『中国经济通通讯社』閱全文 | Read full article (in Chinese only) on ET Net, on , or on CN ET Net ]

Media Interview: HK 2016-17 Budget Speech @ EnterpriseInnovation.net

回應『EnterpriseInnovation.net』媒體訪問關於2016-2017年度香港政府財政預算案 。訪談內容刊載於2016年2月24日。 Leo was interviewed by "EnterpriseInnovation.net" to express opinions on HK 2016-17 Budget Speech.  Leo's suggestion was published in the column of Fintech Innovation on 24 Feb 2016.

"[Leo suggested that] the government could extend the offer of overseas learning to ...[experienced] FS professionals ..."

[ 按此往『EnterpriseInnovation.net』閱全文(只提供英語內容) | Read full article on EnterpriseInnovation - Fintech Innovation ]

媒體訪問:《金融科技發展需要有清晰法例及設監管平台》@『經濟通』ET Net

Media interview: "Healthy FinTech development needs clear regulatory road map" on ET Net

回應媒體訪問關於2016-2017年度香港政府財政預算案 。Leo was interviewed by the ET Net to respond to the Budget Speech of 2016-2017 by the Financial Secretary of the Government of the HKSAR.  [This media interview is published in Chinese.]

"香港的創科發展,需要有相關法例推出,才會令到民間大膽去做..." "Development of financial technologies and innovations needs clear regulatory road map..."

[ 按此往『經濟通』、『香港經濟日報』或『中国经济通通讯社』閱全文 | Read full article (in Chinese only) on ET Net, on HKet.com, or on CN ET Net ]

《顛覆財富管理》 @ 『資本企業家』

文章《顛覆財富管理》刊登於著名商業期刊『資本企業家』 第135期 2016年2月 

"Disrupting Wealth Management" in renowned business magazine "CAPITAL Entrepreneur", No. 135, February 2016  [This article was published in Chinese.]

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