
《香港銀行學會 行政午餐會》演說 | Speech at HKIB Management Luncheon

很榮幸獲邀于《香港銀行學會 行政午餐會》演說,分享了本人對區塊鏈於國際貿易的角色的意見。出席嘉賓包括數十位香港銀行家。

My honor to deliver a speech of financial technology in banking industry at Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) Management Luncheon.  I discussed my opinion of the role of blockchain technology development in trade finance in the region.  Tens of bankers in Hong Kong attended the luncheon.

金融科技講座:金融科技創新和監管框架 FinTech Seminar: Fintech innovation and the regulatory framework


有幸邀請 新加坡電信公司香港區總經理 Teddy Ko、 纽約梅隆銀行董事總經理 亞太區首席科技風險官員 盧震東先生,香港電腦學會 會長 、中信銀行(國際),資訊科技及營運總監 梁建文先生,MH,及 Sia Partners 的高級經理 Raymond Tsui 出席。講者嘉賓與席下來賓分享在金融服務業的網絡安全議題。本人亦主持專題討論會,以「提陞網絡安全:『網絡防衛評估框架(C-RAF)』及未來」為題,邀請嘉賓分享睿見。

其他講者嘉實包括來自香港金融管理局(HKMA)的官員和 香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會(SFC)的官員。 席下超過140位來賓包括來自不少於30家商業銀行、投資銀行、資產管理公司、證券商的高級行政人員。

I was honored to host a HKCS FinTech seminar at Cyberport Hong Kong.  

Mr. Teddy Ko, Country Director Hong Kong at SingTel, Mr. Michael Leung, MH, President at HKCS and Chief Information & Operations Officer at China CITIC Bank International, Mr. Micky Lo, Managing Director, Chief Technology Risk Officer APAC at The BNY Mellon, and Mr. Raymond Tsui, Senior Manager at Sia Partners were invited to discuss cyber security topics in financial services industry.  I chaired a discussion panel of "Enhancing Cyber Resilience C-RAF and Beyond".

Guest speakers from The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (HK SFC), delivered speeches and over 140 participants from more than 30 financial institutions, including commercial banks, investment banks, asset management firms, and securities brokers attended the seminar.  

金融科技講座:金融服務業的網絡安全 FinTech Seminar: Cyber Security in Financial Services Industry

榮邀主辦于香港電腦學會的金融科技講座,有幸邀請香港應用科技研究院的金融科技副總裁 王世松博士、纽約梅隆銀行董事總經理 盧震東先生,及Sia Partners的 顧問經理出席。嘉賓與席下來賓分享在金融服務業的網絡安全議題。本人亦主持專題討論會,以「金融機構應如何應對網絡安全中的科技及法規上的轉變?」為題,請嘉賓分享睿見。席下來賓包括銀行集團高管、資產管理公司高管、上市公司高管、政府機構人員、和資訊保安顧問公司主管等。

I was honored to organize a fintech seminar at HKCS.  Dr. Duncan Wong, VP Financial Technology at ASTRI, Mr. Micky Lo, Managing Director at BNY Mellon, and consulting managers at Sia Partners were invited to discuss cyber security topics in financial services industry.  I chaired a discussion panel of "How should Financial Institutions respond to Technological and Regulatory Changes in Cybersecurity?"  Guests were senior and executive managements from banking groups, asset management firms, listed companies, government bodies, and information security consultancy firms.

More event photos are available on HKCS website.

香港數碼港: 應用區塊鏈的商業策略會議 Cyberport: Blockchain Strategies for Business Conference

有幸獲「香港數碼港」邀請,出席了 "Blockchain Strategies for Business"會議及行政人員午餐會,也很高興能與與會者交流區塊鏈的發展路向。My pleasure to be invited by Cyberport to attend the conference and executive luncheon of "Blockchain Strategies for Business".  Glad to exchange ideas and business cases of blockchain development with conference participants.

FinTech Seminar - Robo Advisory in Wealth Management

I organized the first public FinTech seminar with my partner and colleagues in FinTech Special Interest Group (FinTech SIG), Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS).  This seminar is part of the IT Fest coordinated by the Government of the Hong Kong SAR.

Thanks Donald, Paul, Jeroen and Mikaal for delivering insightful speeches to audience.  We saw the development of robo advisory in global perspective.

Finally, thank EY for sponsoring a great venue to us.